Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Puffy Omelet

I've been cooking a lot of different egg dishes lately. Something I'd never heard of before were puffy omelets.

I made one for lunch the other day. We all enjoyed it. Puffy omelets are different to other egg dishes, because you separate the egg yolks and white, beat the whites until fluffy, then add in the beaten egg yolks. This makes the omelet airier.

Puffy Omelet
(Adapted from Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book.)

4 egg whites
2 T water
4 beaten egg yolks
1/4 tsp pepper (optional) [I included this.]
1/8 tsp salt (optional) [I included this.]
1 T margarine or butter [I used butter.]

1) In a bowl, beat egg whites until frothy. Add water and continue beating for about 1-1/2 minutes more until stiff peaks form, tips stand straight. Fold egg yolks, salt and pepper (if desired) into egg whites.

2) In a 10-inch oven-proof skillet, heat margarine or butter until a drop of water sizzles. Pour in egg mixture, mounding it slightly at sides. Cook over low heat for 8-10 minutes, or until puffed, set, and golden brown on the bottom. Bake in a 325F oven for 8-10 minutes, or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean.

3) Loosen sides of omelet with a metal spatula. Make a shallow cut, slightly off center, across the omelet. Folder smaller side of omelet over larger side. (If desired, spoon a filling over the larger portion before folding.) Use a wide metal spatula to lift the omelet.

Makes 2 servings.

Nutrional Facts per serving: 203 calories per serving. 16 grams total fat. 426 mg cholesterol. 324 mg sodium. 1gram carbohydrates. Less than 1 gram fiber. 13 grams protein.
Daily Values: 71% vitamin A. 0% vitam C. 4% calcium. 8% iron.