Monday, March 21, 2011

Dips Make Broccoli Good

I don't like cooked broccoli very much. It doesn't have a good texture. It's too soft.

Raw broccoli has a harder texture. I like the flavor better, too.

My favorite way to have raw broccoli is dipped in ranch dressing.

Broccoli has been scientifically proven to lower your risk for cancer (

Girls beware! This next bit is for boys only!
Raw broccoli gives you very smelly burps!


  1. Your aunty could not disagree more. NOTHING makes broccoli taste good. It looks like shubbery, tastes like shubbery, and leaves little bits of itself on anything it touches.

    By the way, asparagus can make some people's pee smell. Now THAT's a great vegetable! ;-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. On behalf of the author:

    I couldn't disgaree more. Asparagus is slimy and tastes like slugs.

  4. Broccoli, the king of vegetables! those that don't like it are just jealous of it being a king, I think! Espeially if their initials are GB.

  5. I have known girls to like to burp, too!
